TCA Aircraft Testing Department. Small single & twin prop aircraft test report. Date of Report: January 9, 1999 Tested by: Philip M. Wafer TCA #2302 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION A: (Original FSFS aircraft details.) a) Aircraft name: b) Aircraft registration: c) Aircraft Filename: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION B: (FS98 only aircraft file details.) a) Aircraft name: TDM Shorts 330 "Daughter of Saba"(v2) b) Aircraft registration: PJ-TDM c) Aircraft filename: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION C: (Criteria Tested) *** TAKE OFF PARAMETERS 1) Take-off distance: 1050m 2) Rotation speed (Vr): (max fuel) KIAS. a) Educated guess: 100 kIAS b) Calculated: 80 kIAS 4) Climb: Airspeed & feet per minute. KIAS/fpm a) Initial Climb: (Under 3000') 110/1500FPM b) Under 10000' climb: 130/1000FPM c) Over 10000'climb: 140/700FPM *** CRUISE PARAMETERS 5) Endurance (range): nm ~600nm based on Line 4010 6) Overspeed clacker: Mach number/KIAS 225 kIAS 7) Speed @ 80% power: Mach number or KIAS. 160 kIAS 8) power at recommended economic cruise speed: 170kIAS = ~84% *** LANDING PARAMETERS 9) Descent: 120/4500FPM 10) Approach speed 30% fuel (KIAS): 86 kIAS 11) Landing speed (KIAS): a) 30% fuel: 86 kIAS b) 15% fuel: 84 kIAS 12) Landing distance: 310M *** HANDLING PARAMETERS 13) Behavior under AP: (OK or not)! a) Speed AP. b) Altitude AP. OK c) Heading AP. OK d) NAV1 AP. OK e) Back course AP. OK f) Approach AP. OK g) Autoland. n/a 14) Stall speed: (KIAS) a) 100% fuel - 76 clean, 62 dirty b) 30% fuel - 69 clean, 57 dirty 15) Turns AP ON - (OK or not?) a) Level turns OK b) Climbing turns. OK c) Descending turns. OK 16) Turns AP OFF - (OK or not?) a) Level turns OK b) Climbing turns. OK c) Descending turns. OK *** EMERGENCY SITUATIONS 17) Take-off with some engines out of service: Killed no.2 engine at 75 knots. Definite push to the right. It was a struggle to get off the ground. Make sure that the wheels are retracted as soon as possible in order to reduce drag. Same goes for flap. Climb out was slow. Once levelled out, then a respectable speed is possible. I attained 130 kIAS at 1000 feet and remaining engine at ~80%. 2 or 3° bank to the left needed to keep a/c in a straight line. Landed easily. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION D: NOTES/COMMENTS: 1) Panel used for the test was "SVANPNL1.ZIP" by Johan Crous. 2) Descent: This was done from 12000 feet with full flaps & air brake. VS selected was 4500fpm but VSI only showed about 2200fpm on the panel used. 3) Nice a/c to fly. Once I'd flown it a couple of times I found I could throw it around quite smartly. Mind you, I don't think the passengers would appreciate that! 4) The visual model looks very good. Very smooth lines!!